Friday, July 16, 2010

We are all one!

We are all one.
The above phrase is used so much that one might think that everyone understands it, but that is not so.
To say we are all one is a lovely idea. It means that we all have an abiding connection with whatever we presume “God” to be. “God”, whether we call “him” God or Allah or Buddah or Christ, or The Universe, is an all pervading energy that manifests differently in different people’s reality. How people have been taught, and their cultural influences depends on their perspective. Does this mean that we then need to think of ourselves as different from each other? NO!
Unfortunately my neighbour’s religion has taught her that Allah is not God and therefore all Muslims are wrong, and she is right. This is SO sad. The idea that we are right and others are wrong is a hugely difficult issue. When we look at the big picture we can see that what is right for some is wrong for others so we would do well to follow one teaching that appears in some religions which says that we must not judge.
We are all one species – humanity. If little green men came visiting we would soon say that humans are one and green people are others but even that would not be so! All of the universe is connected. Nothing is separate. Quantum physics can verify this. Energy is what creates matter. Matter creates form and we see things from the point of view of form. However, there are holograms and fractals and atoms and particles and nanoparticles that we can’t see so we can only trust that they are there.
We send text messages but we can’t see the message fly off with wings to its destination. We know that radio waves and VHS and other waves are floating around in our space but we don’t deny their existence.
So why do we not accept that we are all one, all connected. Is it because we can’t see it? Accepting that we are all one is the first step on any spiritual path. As long as we feel separate from our next door neighbour, our parents, or those from another culture, then we have not put your foot on the first rung of the spiritual ladder.
We can challenge ourselves: catch ourselves complaining about that ...... driver from overseas. Then ask the question, “what are we rejecting within our own selves that requires us to reject other people”?  When we complain about the prime minister, or the US president, or BP’s president, or any other person, we are rejecting something about ourselves; for as we are all one we live inside that same one reality together.
Have you ever thought about the air we breathe? We all breathe the same air. When a number of us are in a room with the doors and windows shut we notice that the air gets stale, deprived of oxygen, because it has been inside all of our lungs. It has also been moving around all the world. It has been in your neighbours lungs, or Ghengis Khan’s way back when!
Really understanding that we are all one requires practice daily. We all give lip service to it, but to really live it is another thing altogether. To really feel that ‘one’ connection we need to be able to feel LOVE. That’s the key. To love everyone means that we come from a place of oneness. Love is always pure and true and kind. It can be practiced through kindness and compassion. It can be expressed through everything we do.
If we are spiritual beings having a physical experience on this earth, then we need to express it throughout every facet of our lives. This includes politics.
Please visit and see what can be done in the spirit of “oneness”.

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